"FULL HOUSE" Serial TV Keluarga Amerika

Benar-benar Full hehehe...
 Yuhu! ingatkah kalian Serial TV FULL HOUSE  yang populer dari 1987 sampai 1995 Sebagian pemainnya tidak asing lagi. Ada Bob Saget. Dia entertainer dan juga pembawa acara American Funniest Home Video (acara itu tayang di RCTI kurang lebih 14 tahun yang lalu). Ada juga si kembar Mary Kate dan Ashley Olsen yang main di Full House sejak masih bayi (tokoh Michelle Tanner diperankan oleh Mary Kate dan Ashley secara bergantian, maklum kembar). Dulu waktu kecil saya suka nonton serial ini di TV Nasional bersama kakak2 saya..meskipun saat itu saya belum bisa membaca teks subtitlenya tapi saya merasa sudah memahami kegembiraannya dalam film itu..oke..sekedar mengingatkan mari kita mengulasnya..cekidot..!!
Full House adalah serial televisi Amerika Serikat yang ditayangkan dari 22 September 1987 sampai 23 Mei 1995 oleh ABC. Menceritakan tentang keluarga Danny Tanner (Bob Saget) yang membesarkan tiga anak perempuan D.J. (Candace Cameron), Stephanie (Jodie Sweetin), dan Michelle (Mary Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen), setelah istrinya tewas ditabrak pemabuk. Teman dekat Danny, Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier) dan si Ganteng Jesse Katsopolis (John Stamos)  , tinggal bersama mereka.
Danny adalah seorang penyiar televisi, Joey seorang pelawak dan jesse adalah pemusik muda yang tampan dan berbakat yang memilki kekasih bernama Rebecca "Becky" Donaldson, (Lori Loughlin), dia adalah cohost dari Danny Tanner. Di episode 087, Jesse menikah dengan Rebecca dan tinggal di sana juga. Kemudian mereka mempunyai anak kembar Alex dan Nicky. Tambah rame deh rumahnya (sekarang tau donk, kenapa judulnya Full House?Hehehehe.. Keluarga Tanner menemukan satu anjing dan merawatnya diberi nama Comet. Teman dekat D.J yang suka jail bernama Kimmy Gibbler (Andrea Barber).Tiga pria ini( Danny, Jesse, Joey) seperti halnya pengasuh anak-anak dan mereka begitu dekat dan menyayangi satu sama lain..
Full House (Keluarga Inti)

Di awal 90-an serial Full House tayang di TVRI seminggu sekali. Ini merupakan serial favoritKu, bahkan sampe sekarang yang ditayangkan di NDTV. Ceritanya lucu, seru, menghibur dan ada unsur pendidikannya juga. Di setiap episode Full House selalu ada konflik yang biasa terjadi di setiap keluarga mana pun. Tapi selalu ada jalan pemecahan untuk setiap masalah. Seperti contoh di episode 076. Di episode ini ceritanya D.J diundang ke pesta ultah temannya. Tapi dia nggak pede karena badannya yang agak gemuk. Maka itu dia mencoba diet dengan nggak ikut makan bersama keluarganya dan pergi ke gym. Tapi keluarganya nggak suka dengan diet yang dilakukan DJ. Lalu ayahnya nasehatin dia dengan caranya sendiri.
Full House (Hadirnya Becky)
Contoh Dialognya:
In the kitchen
Danny: Is that true? You haven't eaten anything in three days?
Jesse: DJ, I think you should sit down and eat, right now.
DJ: I can't! I'm finally starting to lose weight.
Joey: DJ, you're starving yourself. You could do serious damage to your body.
Danny: DJ, this kind of behavior can lead to serious eating disorders. Anorexia, bulemia. You're heading down a dangerous road here.
DJ: I don't care! I'm the one who has to wear the bathing suit next week. It's my life, and I can do whatever I want!(she runs upstairs)
Danny: Deej, hold on a minute.(he runs upstairs)
Stephanie: I hope she's not mad at me.
Jesse: No. You did the right thing. She's lucky to have a sister like you.

In DJ's room 
Danny: DJ, we have to talk.
DJ: You don't understand! I don't like the way I look. I want to look like these models.
Danny: Why?
DJ: Because they're beautiful.
Danny: Well, so are you.
DJ: Oh, yeah? Well, show me one girl in here with this round face and these Charlie Brown cheeks.
Danny: Honey, people come in all different shapes and sizes. Everybody wishes they could change something about themselves. Back when I was a kid, I wished I could be more like that guy on the Incredible Hulk.
DJ: You wanted to be a big green monster with muscles?
Danny: No, not him. The other guy, the guy that turned into the Hulk. He was just nice and average. He wasn't too tall, he wasn't too skinny. He didn't stick out like I thought I did. Then I realized, he didn't have it so easy either. Everytime he lost his temper, he had to buy a new shirt.
DJ: Well, you made me smile, but there's still no way I'm wearing a bathing suit in front of my friends.
Danny: Okay, let me ask you a question. Why do you like your friends?
DJ: Because they're nice, and we have fun together, and we do things for eachother.
Danny: Not because they all look like models?
DJ: No.
Danny: Maybe that's because deep down inside you know, that how a person look on the outside, isn't nearly as important as who they are on the inside, right?
DJ: Right.
Danny: Honey, I just wish you could try to see yourself the way you see your friends . Deej, you got such a good heart. You care about people. and that's why people care about you. And everybody who knows the real DJ, thinks she's pretty terrific.
DJ: Thanks, dad. I love you .(they hug)
Danny: I love you, too. That's why I want you to take care of yourself. I want you to promise me that you're gonna eat healthy, and excercise the right way .
DJ: I promise. No more crash diets. I'm gonna go to Kimmy's party and have fun with my friends.
Danny: Good. Let's go have dinner.
DJ: I think I'll start with a salad, dressing on the side.
(they leave)
***End ***

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